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   ‘Irresistible, smooth, creamy, chocolatey, indulgent, uplifting’

Just some reactions from our consumers. But find it out for yourself: interview all these people again or open a can of delicious Chocomel.


Chocomel® is uplifting and recharging in one.

It’s like a battery. Our can even looks like one. Although, warning, you don’t want to put a can of Chocomel in your remote control. Just drink it.


Chocomel® is uplifting and recharging in one.

It’s like a battery. Our can even looks like one. Although, warning, you don’t want to put a can of Chocomel in your remote control. Just drink it.


To keep you going or to enjoy a little reward

You’ve worked so hard today, behind a laptop, working, studying. (Or maybe you just watched Netflix, it doesn’t matter, we won’t tell anybody. We’re just a website, we don’t judge people). Enjoy that delicious reward.


To keep you going or to enjoy a little reward

You’ve worked so hard today, behind a laptop, working, studying. (Or maybe you just watched Netflix, it doesn’t matter, we won’t tell anybody. We’re just a website, we don’t judge people). Enjoy that delicious reward.

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Indulge into delicious words, pictures and pixels on this creamy treat.


Discover our



          Some drink Chocomel straight from the can, others sip it out of their favourite office mug. To make everybody happy we offer a range of cans, packs and cartons to any occasion.

Our range